Are you a couch sitter?

Some of my students are couch sitters when it comes to their career planning. They don’t have to DO anything because they believe that life will deal them what they want, when they want it. Nawww, isn’t that nice!?  So they sit and do nothing about their future—no work experience—no resume— nothing!

I can preach to them that life is unpredictable, and placing all your eggs into one basket is a dangerous practice, blah, blah, blah—but ‘sweet’ is the response.

2014 noseOn the other hand, I know many students who get up off their career couch and actively pursue their ambitions. They are not scared to try new things, and they are constantly nagging and harassing people to build their career knowledge base and  employable skills.

If I had to pick one of these two students to recommend to an employer …. Well, I’d rather pick my nose than the couch potato!

If you WANT something, then YOU have to MAKE it happen. And this involves getting up off the couch and putting in the EFFORT.

No matter what you plan on doing when you leave school, there is always SOMETHING which you can actively DO.

Here are some ideas.

Seeking an apprenticeship or job? Your current plan could include:

  • Work experience (even during school holidays!)
  • Resume and letter of application ready to take to employment agencies
  • Using your network to develop leads to possible employers.

Going to University?  Check out alternate pathways to your preferred course.

  • Research the VTAC web site for similar courses
  • Research University sites for pathway options to your preferred course – this can include preparing to attend Open Days
  • Prepare questions to ask at the TIS event in June (Tertiary Information Services)

Totally unsure about your career future? Then take immediate action and visit your Careers Advisor.  You can also:

  • Try work experience in an area which you THINK might interest you.
  • Use the job guide – write down a list of jobs which might interest you.
  • Explore different occupations via the links supplied at our JOB information blog (click on Assignments/Research).
  • Try my amazing all-time-favourite-career-sites scoop-it page (below).


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