Career-bot network…


Career-bot – Fay Scadden

… is YOUR network…

Your Careers Advisor (Career-bot) at school is a key person in your network of people who can help you with your career choices whilst at school.

You probably don’t know that your Career-bot is part of a much larger network of like-minded people. These people are all geared to provide as many events, ideas, options and opportunities to you, as possible. #Career-web-machine!

Your Career-bot, is a member of a Career Association (in our area this is called the Shepparton and District Careers Association—SDCA) and will meet (usually once a month during term time) to share information, organise events and ask specific questions relating to particular students at their school. (Maybe for you!)

Universities, TAFES and Youth Employment Services are also members of the SDCA—this expands the network even further and allows your Career-bot to have a friendly face to answer your Tertiary or employment questions.

The network becomes significantly wider as business people often speak at SDCA meetings to give us clues on how we can help our students.

The network is gargantuan when you understand that your Career-bot is most likely a member of the CEAV (Careers Education Association of Victoria) and CICA (Career Industry Council of Australia). Whew—loads of career strings!

You can be very confident that you have a large network of passionate, and qualified, people at your disposal to assist you with your career planning.

How do you make this network work for you?

  • Easy! It’s called #ask-nag!

#ask-nag your Career-bot loads of questions about your career options! If they don’t know the answer they can pull a string on their network—to get results on your behalf!

Don’t be shy! We want to help!



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