questionASBA vs Uni Plans

Is it possible to do an ASBA with VCE studies?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

There are some pros and cons to this combo, grab a pen and paper and follow my tips….

ASBA’s are a nationally recognised certificate, so at the end of VCE you could, if successful, have two qualifications.

  • Victorian Certificate of Education
  • Certificate II in Business Management (for example)


An up-side of doing an ASBA is that the combination of your practical skills and university degree will make you highly employable and give you the edge when marketing yourself. It could also make your Uni studies more meaningful and relevant as you have experienced the applications in the work place.


The down-side of doing an ASBA is that you will miss a day of VCE classes as you will be in the workplace. This means that you will be under pressure to catch up on your VCE classes.

So, yes, it can be done, but it’s not easy. You will have to cope with the demands of TWO certificates/qualifications.

penAction Step

  • Some schools won’t allow their students to do ASBA’s – so ask about this first. If they do then you can:
  • Draw up a list of ‘for’ and ‘against’ for doing an ASBA.
  • This list will help with your decision making – as it is easier when your thoughts are written in black and white.
  • Want to attempt finding one? Open up discussions with your parents / Careers Advisor / VCE Program Manager about ASBA options. (The different types of  ASBA certificates available will surprise you!)
  • Discover some sure-fired ways of securing an ASBA with these hot tips.
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